You don't need a gym to experience a great workout. These exercises, recommended by fitness expert Amy Dixon, will hit every single muscle in your body and slash fat -- without any equipment. (amydixonfitness.com)

One of the best exercises is also one of the most natural (just watch a baby sit). This movement works all of the muscles in the lower body including the quads, glutes and hamstrings. It also provides an extra kick for the core as you need your deep abdominal muscles and back to perform this exercise correctly.

This is one of the best upper body exercises because it works everything from your chest to your back, your arms and even your abs. Make sure your shoulders line up with your wrists and you tuck your elbows towards your sides (and don’t flare out your elbows wide). Try to get your chest and hips as close to the floor as possible without touching.

The bridge (also called a hip raise or extension) will strengthen your glutes and hamstrings, while also working your abdominals, back and inner thighs. For a fun variation, lift your hips with your feet flat on the floor and slowly extend one leg long into the sky.


Start with feet together and arms resting comfortably by your sides. Step forward with your right foot and lower your body until your front knee is at 90 degrees and your knee is not touching the floor. Then, to complete the exercise, push off of your front right foot while straightening your left leg. Keep your right foot off of the floor and balance with your right thigh parallel to the floor.

The plank has become one of the key go to exercises to define your core. If you are struggling to maintain the arms straight position try this exercise on your forearms. Be sure to align your elbows and shoulders and keep your hips, heels and shoulders at the same height.


Triceps Dip
This exercise targets the muscles on the back of your upper arms. If you find that you have wrist discomfort, try turning your hands slightly to the side or take breaks to roll out your wrists. In order to target the back of your arms correctly be sure to have your hips as close to the edge of the chair as possible, otherwise your legs will do the work instead of your arms